Estes Escapades

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ben's Pictures from the Hospital

Here is a link to Benjamin's photos from Missouri Baptist Hospital. You can also click the picture to get to the site.

Friday, February 24, 2006

New Photo Set...

I just uploaded a new set of photos. Benjamin is doing great. He is feeding well and sleeping a lot, so we're enjoying the sleep while it lasts. We actually got a little over 6 hours of sleep last night. Jen is doing very well also. We took Ben for his first walk in his stroller since the weather was so nice. It has been a great blessing having Ben's first two weeks over my break. Being on break is one of the reasons I've been able to make so many posts. I hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

New Link to Our Photos

I have added a link to our photo sets under the "Links" section on the righthand column. Things are going well. We had a very long night! Grandma Sabin burned the midnight oil while Jen got a couple hours of sleep. Benjamin was a little fussy about eating, but now he has eaten and sleeping soundly. We hope everyone is doing well and thanks to everyone who has sent us all the kind and sweet emails.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Even more photos

I know this is getting out of hand, but I love taking pictures. Click Here for a new set Click Here for our photos homepage

More pictures. . .

I have uploaded more photos to flickr. Click here to see them. They are all at a resolution for viewing on screen. If you want any full resolution copies email me or Jen with the filename and we'll email them to you. It may be a while before Jen checks her email though. Time for a nap!


Just thought I'd post a quick update. Jen and Benjamin are doing great. He is feeding well and Jen has been doing really well with all the feedings (9 total yesterday). I am so proud of what an awesome mother Jen is and how patient she has been considering that she has gotten very little sleep in the last four days. She allowed me to get some extra sleep since I still have a final to study for and makeup tomorrow. We have our first appointment with our pediatrician tomorrow. The picture above is my favorite thus far.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

We're Home!

We welcomed Benjamin to his home around 11:00 a.m. He settled in with a feeding and a long nap. We thank God for the blessing of our little boy and how smoothly everything has gone. Also, thank you to everyone who has been keeping Benjamin and Jen in their prayers. We are extremely grateful for the support of our family and friends.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Introducing Benjamin Matthew Estes

Our little boy Benjamin has arrived. He was born today at 1:31 am. He weighs 7 lbs 6 ozs and measured 20 inches. Mom and Ben are doing great.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Giant Easter Egg Belly!

I thought it would be fun to do some comparison photos of me at different stages in my pregnancy and wearing the same shirt. The first picture was taken at a little over 20 weeks. Now, at almost 39 weeks, I think that I look like a giant Easter Egg! This is one of my favorite shirts and I'm sure almost everyone I know has seen me wearing it at some point.

Ben's Nursery

Thought that I would share a picture of Benjamin's nursery. All that's left to do is hanging some decorations on the wall. We purchased the screen to be able to divide up our bedroom as needed and to give him some privacy when he's in there sleeping and we need to come in and out of the room. I'm sure we'll be moving things around as we find out what works, but we're very happy with the set-up right now. We're just waiting for him!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

We've made it to 38 weeks!

Here are some latest pictures from my 37th week. Eric's mom, Marge, came up to stay with us because we didn't know what would happen when I went off the medication and increased my activity level. I've had some times with pretty regular, although not very strong, contractions. They stay pretty regular when I'm active, but stop when I rest or go to sleep. So we've all been getting excited, and then realizing that it's not quite time yet. Our friends, Russ and Kris and our godson Rome came over for the Super Bowl. I've found that my big belly has many uses: cupholder, TV tray, and now, baby seat! Eric has finals next week so we're thinking that maybe Benjamin wants to give his dad a break and not come until after he's done with exams. That would be great for dad!