Estes Escapades

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Big Estes Surprise

Eric and I are happy to announce that Ben is going to be a big brother in September! We found out this month that we are expecting another addition to the family! We were quite surprised by this news, but are happy knowing that God is blessing us with another little one. So far I've been having some first trimester tiredness and nausea, but doing pretty well. We'll have our first ultrasound and full check-up on Valentine's Day. Benjamin is doing great. He's finally realized that it's fun to pull up on things and is standing frequently now. He hasn't figured out cruising yet, but I'm sure that's coming soon! He's got tooth number 8 coming in and is just a couple weeks shy of his First birthday! Time's flying!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Not much new here...

Hello everyone! Just a short update. Benjamin is loving crawling so much that he's not really interested in the walking deal. He's started to pull himself up but not on a regular basis. I guess he really loves being on the floor and knocking those blocks over. Eric's doing well with his full schedule. I'm heading to Orlando this weekend after my MOPS meeting to see my aunts and uncle on my mom's side. They're excited to see Ben and I'm looking forward to the visit. Hope all's well with everyone!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas & Thanksgiving Pictures


Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

We hope that everyone has a blessed new year. We're keeping busy as usual with Eric preaching twice this month, taking over teaching the confirmation class and beginning a new study on the book of Revelation for his young adult Sunday morning class. Choir had a short hiatus and we are now gearing up for the new year and will soon be working on our Easter material. The MOPS group is going really well and we are now focusing on getting out into the community a little bit more. We want to be able to bring in new moms who may be unchurched as well as do some community service. It's such a blessing to have other moms who are excited about this project as well. Our Christmas holiday was wonderful with both Eric and my families coming up to Palm Coast. We had quite the full house, but it was great to see everyone all together. Ben is amazing us all the time with how much he is getting around and how interested he is in exploring everything. He's also talking a lot more now and says, "Hi Dad" when Eric gets home. Last Sunday I had Ben up at the altar for communion and just as Eric was giving the dismissal, Ben yells out, "HI DAD!" The pastor and I looked at each other and just cracked up. What a funny little boy.