Click here to see two new photo sets that have been posted. Some are from a trip to Grant's Farm that we took before the Fall quarter started and one set is of Joshua's first month at home. It's been tough finding time to take, edit and upload photos now that we have two little ones to keep up with! Joshua is already bigger than he is in these pictures, but I hope to get more uploaded soon. He is growing so fast and we think he'll be really tall. He's almost too tall for his 0 to 3 month clothes. That's pretty amazing considering that he was 5 weeks premature and is now only 5 weeks old! Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers over the last month. The Lord has certainly blessed us!
The lighting is a little dark, but you can still make it out. If you didn't notice this was taken while Jen was still pregnant and there were still boxes to be unpacked. It's strange to think that today, the 22nd was Joshua's due date and we've already had over a month with him. He's doing very well and getting bigger and bigger. Benjamin is being a good big brother and yes, he still likes to walk around with a bucket on his head. Enjoy the video!
This is the family blog of the Estes family. Eric is Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Columbus, GA. Jen is a stay-at-home mom. We have two sons, Benjamin, 2 years, and Joshua, 1 year.